
A concierge is entrusted with private and personal needs, often with extensive access to premises and assets and, to many, considered a lifestyle manager. Justin Shave and Charlton Hill are the masked men behind Concierge. Their music is the door that opens, the parcel kept in confidence and the secret late night rendezvous.

Shave is a classically trained pianist, composer, producer and music technologist. He’s toured the world with Darren Hayes, produced numerous A-list acts and just last year added an ARIA Award to the collection.

Hill also wears many hats - from major Sony recording artist, to sonic brand consultant. He’s a highly accomplished songwriter, audio innovation strategist, and speaker at many of the world’s leading music and technology hubs.

Concierge sees and hears all but only divulges on a need-to-know basis. From an arrival strut to a lust-fuelled salsa or the final heartstring-pulling departure, Concierge has every moment covered.
