How can we help you?

What does my licence cover?
All Melodie tracks are pre-cleared for worldwide use, forever. Tracks licensed under Creator and Pro plans are safe for all digital platforms such as web, social media, apps/games, podcasts & live streaming (this includes YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, TikTok, Vimeo and future platforms). If you require broadcast rights, you’ll need an Enterprise plan. Full information can be found on our Pricing page and within our Subscription Agreement.
Can I use Melodie tracks in commercial / client productions?
If you have a Pro or Enterprise subscription, commercial use and client / third party projects are covered.
Will my licence ever expire?
During an active subscription term, any production you create and publish using Melodie is licensed forever.
Is a usage licence created for each download?
Yes. When you download a track, the information entered creates an End User Licence Agreement (EULA). These licence certificates are available to download at any time via the ‘Licences’ page, accessed via your user drop-down menu.
Can I reuse a previously downloaded track without a subscription?
You cannot reuse any Melodie music in a production unless you have an active subscription.
Are my podcasts covered?
Yes, absolutely!
Which subscription covers multiple YouTube channels?
If you have multiple channels on YouTube or other platforms, select the Pro plan to cover you for all of them.
Is your music ‘royalty-free’?
As a content creator, there are no additional fees and charges other than your Melodie licence fee. Composers and rights holders earn performance royalties when their music is broadcast, however, this income is paid only by broadcasting entities (like TV channels and streaming services).
Can I purchase a single track or custom licence?
Yes. Please contact us providing details about your project including versions/duration and licensing rights required (media, term and territory). Select “Music licensing / quotes” in the drop-down menu.
How many tracks can I download?
As many as you like. All subscriptions provide unlimited downloads.
Can I download watermarked MP3s before I subscribe?
Yes. Once you’ve created an account you can instantly download low-resolution, watermarked MP3 files to preview. However you are not licensed to use these tracks for a production until you have a subscription.
Is new music added regularly?
We add new music at least every week. We also have a monthly newsletter to keep you up to date with new releases, collections, featured artists and more.
Do you provide stems & track versions?
Pro and Enterprise users can access a range of alternate versions and stems including instrumentals, underscores, cutdowns, solo instruments and more. Click a track title on the Browse Music page, then click the "Versions" tab to display versions.
Which file types can be downloaded?
All subscriptions feature MP3 downloads (320kbits, 48kHz/32bit). Pro and Enterprise users additionally have access to uncompressed, high-resolution broadcast WAV files (48kHz / 24bit).
How much does a subscription cost?
We offer three subscription types: Creator, Pro and Enterprise, each featuring different inclusions. For current pricing and inclusions visit our Pricing page.
Do you offer refunds?
You can cancel whenever you like before your subscription renews and you will not be charged again. However, we won’t issue a refund if you forget to cancel your subscription, and we don’t give refunds on a pro rata basis. If you have a special reason to cancel, please contact us and we will review your request.
Can I pay with PayPal or an offline payment method?
We only accept credit cards for Creator and Pro subscriptions. If you’re an Enterprise user please contact us for a list of alternate payment methods.
Do I need to fill out a Cue Sheet?
If you use our music in a television, VOD (including streaming services) or radio production you must submit a cue sheet to your local Performing Rights Organisation (PRO). There is no cost to you as the producer. For long-form and series productions please contact your local PRO. For jingles and advertising please use this form.
Where can I find music copyright information?
You can find this on the Browse Music page by clicking any track title, then the Copyright tab, then “Download CSV”. Equally, when downloading music, at the very bottom of the file download page you can download a copyright CSV.
Can I publish music by itself?
You can’t sell or publish the music as a standalone item - i.e. it must be embedded into some kind of ‘production’, like a video (with vision) or a podcast (where the music is mixed with other audio elements and where the music does not comprise the primary content or value). You can read the full terms in our Subscription Agreement.
Can I use parts of your music or stems to create new music?
No. You cannot create new music or derivative works using any part of our music or track versions/stems. This includes adding your own vocals or instruments over the top of our music. Note: Standard editing practices (mixing music into productions) is fully permitted. This includes setting in/out points, fades, mixing with other audio etc.
Are your tracks safe for YouTube & Content ID?
Yes, our music is copyright safe for all digital platforms. Melodie’s exclusive catalogue is controlled by Melodie alone, which means no third parties can monetise, block or restrict your content featuring our music. This covers YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, TikTok, Vimeo, live-streaming, podcasts as well as future social media platforms.
What happens if I get a copyright claim?
Because of our exclusive catalogue of music, Melodie users rarely face problems in this space. If for whatever reason you do receive a copyright notice on a platform like YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and Twitch, simply contest it using these instructions and it will soon be resolved. Feel free to contact us if you have an ongoing concern.
Are there restrictions on illegal use?
You cannot use our music with defamatory, fraudulent or illegal content. Equally, you can’t fraudulently claim attribution or promote the music as your own.
How do Melodie’s advanced search features work?
If you’re looking to make the most of our intuitive search engine, you’ll want to master our AI-powered reverse-audio search tools, search exclusions, find similar and hotkeys. Check out these features and more in our User Guide.
Do I need to attribute a credit?
Great if you can, but we understand that it’s not always possible. Ideally, you’d attribute both the composer and Melodie by including something like. “Music courtesy of Melodie Music (”.
How do I add/remove Team Members?
If you are the Account Owner (billing contact) of a Pro or Enterprise level subscription, you can manage your team via the Team Members page, accessed via the user drop-down menu. Assigning Team Members as ‘Admin’ grants the same permissions that you have as the Account Owner. That is: team management, and visibility of downloads (excluding billing and renewals).
Do you have Playlists & Favourites?
Playlists and Favourites are available to all registered users. Enterprise customers additionally have access to one-click mass download buttons at the top of each Playlist.
Do you have an affiliate program?
We sure do and we’d love to welcome you. You can sign up here.
Do you have an API?
Yes, we provide unlimited, copyright safe music for all kinds of creative platforms. More information here.