Gabey Baby

Meet Gabey Baby, the mniker of Gabriel Schwartz. An LA-based music producer with roots tracing back to the lively streets of Washington, DC. Specializing in Hip Hop, Pop, EDM, and various modern styles, Gabey Baby is on a mission to create music that resonates with the soul.

With a rhythmic foundation built on drums, Gabey Baby sets the stage for a sound that's as infectious as it is distinctive. The beats are more than just a backdrop; they're a driving force that shapes the core of each composition, reflecting a deep connection to the pulse of the listener.

Beyond the drums, Gabey Baby is a multi-instrumentalist, proficient in the delicate art of piano and the nuanced world of synthesis. These skills, coupled with an Outstanding Electronic Production Certificate from American University in 2019, showcase a dedication to craftsmanship and an ear for innovative sound.

Gabey Baby's musical journey is a fusion of influences, blending the classic with the contemporary, creating a unique sonic signature. Each composition is a personal invitation to explore the artist's world—one where melodies, beats, and electronic textures coalesce to form a captivating musical narrative.

In a landscape of ever-evolving musical trends, Gabey Baby stands out for crafting tunes that are both accessible and artful. From the streets of Washington, DC, to the studios of Los Angeles, Gabey Baby's music is a testament to passion, authenticity, and a commitment to pushing creative boundaries in the world of modern music.
