Rory Chenoweth

Rory's musical career started with heavy metal band ‘Tidal’, who together toured nationally around Australia, playing at many music festivals, including the ‘Big Day Out’ in 2004, and wrote 2 full length albums, one of which “Impulsive Disturbance” debuted in the Aria’s top 50 album charts in 2003.

After many years as a musical performer Rory decided to follow his passion for composition. Rory completed his undergrad at the Adelaide Conservatory of Music then moved to Sydney to study screen music at the world renowned AFTRS, where he was mentored by Martin Armiger, Kirke Godfrey and Christopher Gordon.

Rory has collaborated and composed music for theatre, contemporary dance, shorts and features, Network TV and commercials. He has also had concert works performed by the Menagerie Ensemble, the Lumina Vocal Ensemble, and the Australian String Quartet and regularly records his film scores with instrumentalists from the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.
