Sam Lipman

Sam Lipman has had a highly varied music career that spans decades and nations. He is currently composing the documentary music for Richard Linklater's "Where'd You Go Bernadette" starring Cate Blanchett, however his career had modest beginnings, like back in 1994 when his acid-jazz group Zoophyte was discovered busking on Oxford St landing a single on national radio.

Jazz took Sam to New York City, where he spent 10 years studying, playing jazz tenor saxophone and MC’ing in the many clubs there. Hungering for ever-wider experiences, Sam relocated to Austin, TX to explore the rock scene, where he fronted his own group as well as performing in others, touring, producing, eventually earning a record deal, a video on MTV and recording sessions with Justin Timberlake.

At the same time, Sam got started in short-form advertising jingles, earning several national credits including Land Rover, Southwest Airlines and a series of Super Bowl TV spots for Wal-Mart. Eventually tiring of the touring life and with a new baby, Sam turned to the University of Texas to complete a Masters in his dream field of orchestral composition. Within a few years, his works were being played by the Austin Symphony, New Jersey Symphony Orchestra and the Pittsburg New Music Ensemble, and his career as a film composer took off. Since 2011, Sam has scored and conducted dozens of film, theatre and dance scores, including five full-feature films, one of which shortlisted for an Oscar© for Best Original Song, and another nominated for an Austin Critics Table Awards. Sam lives in Austin with his wife, two kids and dog Rosie.
